The submitted article should contain the following elements:

  • title of article in English;
  • abstract of the article in English (min. 250 / max. 300 words);
  • keywords in English (at least three);
  • consistent numbering of individual chapters and subsections (1, 1.1, 1.2, etc.);
  • bibliography arranged alphabetically, separately for items in Cyrillic script.

Main text:

  • keep formatting to a minimum – just highlight titles, sub-headings and paragraphs;
  • page numbering throughout the work should be centred in the footer of the page. Font „Times New Roman” 12, text justified, spacing 1.5;
  • headings should be differentiated to indicate the order of importance;
  • all quotations should be written in inverted commas in a straight font – not italics;
  • quotes inside quotations are indicated by double inverted commas: „« »”;
  • use „from 1924 to 1928”, not „from 1924 to 8”; „between 1924 and 1928”, not „between 1924 and 8”. However, the removal of repeated figures, dates is allowed for periods (example: „Here are the figures for 2001-10”). Decades should be in the form „1930s”, not „1930’s”, „thirties” or „Thirties”;
  • date pairs can be used as follows: „1970-1, 1972-3, 1915-18”. However, date ranges spanning more than two centuries may not be omitted (example: „1809-1903”). Date ranges that start from the first year of the century should be treated similarly (example: „2000-2012”);
  • as a general rule, a minimum of capital letters should be used throughout the text, including in chapter headings, subheadings, etc., although proper nouns should always be capitalized;
  • standard, familiar abbreviations may be used in the text. Less familiar abbreviations (specific to the subject matter of the book) should be given in full in brackets only after their first use;
  • the text should contain a short note about the author (affiliation, e-mail, ORCID number).


  1. The Latin alphabet should be used in footnotes, and transliteration/transcription should be used for texts from languages using a different alphabet (e.g. Cyrillic).
  2. Footnotes in this version of the convention are placed at the bottom of the page below the text to which they refer. The footnote number is in the superscript, and the footnote itself should include:

– author’s name;

– title of the publication (book or article);

– information about the edition (publisher, year of publication),

– page number or page number (obligatory in a bibliography) or verse number (in the case of poetry or the Bible).

  1. In the case of acts of Polish law, the name of that act in English is given in square brackets. The situation is analogous with regard to non-English-language acts.
  2. Where there are four or more authors of a publication, the notation „et al.” should be used. In a bibliography, we do not use this notation; we list all co-authors.
  3. In the case of judgments/judgments by Polish courts, the name of the judgment/judgment in English is given in square brackets. The situation is analogous with respect to non-English judgments/judgments.
  4. When using online sources, we shall indicate the date of access in each case.

Examples of footnotes by source



Polish legislation

Rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 10 grudnia 2019 r. w sprawie zgłaszania podejrzeń i rozpoznań zakażeń, chorób zakaźnych oraz zgonów z ich powodu, Dz.U. 2019 poz. 2430, [Ordinance of the Minister of Health of 10 December 2019 on reporting suspicions and diagnoses of infection, contagious diseases and death caused thereby, Journal of Laws 2019, item 2430].

EU Act

Agreement on the Withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, OJ L29/7, 2020, pp. 7–187.

Scientific article

T. Chirkowska-Smolak, M. Czumak, Ryzyko braku relacji zawodowych. Konstrukcja Skali Niepewności Zatrudnienia w Sytuacji Pandemii, “Człowiek i Społeczeństwo”, 2021, Vol. 51, pp. 145–164, DOI: 10.14746/cis.2021.51.8.

Scientific article online

M. Fullan, Principals as Leaders in a Culture of Change, “Educational Leadership”, Special Issue, 2002, pp. 1–15,, (access 16.05.2021).

Article online

H. Aly, This global pandemic could transform humanitarian aid forever. Here’s how,, (access 28.10.2022).


R. Jakubczak et al., Podstawy bezpieczeństwa narodowego Polski w erze globalizacji, Akademia Obrony Narodowej 2008.

Single-author edited book

E. Leś, Zasada subsydiarności i jej użyteczność w reformowaniu instytucji pomocy społecznej w Polsce, in: Opiekuńczość czy solidarność?, ed. G. Skąpska, Fundacja Międzynarodowe Centrum Rozwoju Demokracji 1998, pp. 97–112.

Multi-author edited book

M.S. Nemțeanu, D.C. Dabija, Best practices of nongovernmental organisations in combatting Covid-19, in: 6th BASIQ International Conference on New Trends in Sustainable Business and Consumption, eds. R. Pamfilie, V. Dinu, L. Tăchiciu, D. Pleșea, C.Vasiliu, ASE 2020, pp. 626–633.

Document having an author

European Commission, Recommendation for a Council Decision authorising the opening of negotiations for an agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, of the one part, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the other part, in respect of Gibraltar, COM/2021/411 final,, (access 25.11.2021).

Judgment of the Polish court

Wyrok Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z dnia 20.09.2019 r., sygn. II GSK 1407/18, [Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 20.09.2019, ref. II GSK 1407/18].

Internet source without author

Professor discusses how non-profits have been affected during the pandemic,, (access 26.10.2022).

Articles submitted for publication in the Polish Journal of Political Science should be prepared anonymously, without suggesting authorship to reviewers.

The decision to publish a scientific text is taken by the Editorial Board taking into account the following criteria:

  • originality;
  • quality of research work;
  • compliance with journal requirements;
  • relevance of the topic.

Submission of Manuscript

All manuscripts submitted will be considered for publication. Manuscripts should be sent online or as an email attachment to: or