The publisher of the Polish Journal of Political Science is committed to upholding standards of ethical conduct at all stages of the publication process.

The Polish Journal of Political Science operates under Polish and international copyright law. It is published in open access, which means that its content is freely available to all users without the need to seek special permission from the authors or the publisher (Creative Commons – CC BY-SA 4.0 License:

The application of the highest ethical standards in publishing practice is intended to counteract dishonesty and scientific fraud, as well as to present clear and truthful information about the authorship of published works and to guarantee respect for copyright.


Duties and responsibilities of Authors

The text should be the intellectual property of the Author.

The Author is obliged to prepare and submit the article according to the requirements specified by the Editor of the journal.

Authors are obliged to participate in the review process.

The Author is obliged to inform the Publisher whether his/her work has been covered by funding from institutions, companies or other entities and to provide the exact sources of funding.

By submitting a declaration, Authors may withdraw the article at any time before the article is accepted for publication.

The Author should not publish texts on the same research in more than one journal. Simultaneous submission of the same text to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable.

Authorship should be restricted to those who have made a significant contribution to the development, design or execution of the submitted text. All those who have made a significant contribution should be listed as co-authors.

If the scope of the published content relates to human and/or animal research, the author should provide ethics committee approval or other appropriate permission to conduct such research.


Duties and responsibilities of Reviewers

All articles in the journal are peer-reviewed.

Reviewing is an essential part of the journal publication process.

The review forms the basis in editorial decision-making.

All judgements and findings in the review process should be objective.

Reviewers should not have a conflict of interest. 

The Reviewer should make an objective and reasoned assessment of the texts submitted for publication.

The review process is subject to strict conditions of confidentiality.


Duties and responsibilities of Editors

The journal Editor should make available that appropriate measures are taken to ensure the quality of published articles.

Editors are responsible for deciding whether to accept articles for publication.

Editors shall act in a balanced, objective and fair manner in the performance of their duties, without discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, ethnic or geographical origin of the authors.

The Editors undertake to respect the Author’s personal rights and to mark authorship correctly and legibly.


Rules on plagiarism

Plagiarism is the use of words, tables, graphics or ideas of others and presenting them as one’s own. Such action is a form of fraud.

The Author is obliged to present an original work made by him or her personally that is free of plagiarism or self-plagiarism, which means that the author may not claim authorship of a work created by another person in whole or in part, nor present his or her own work that has already been published or submitted to another publisher.

In order to eliminate the possibility of plagiarism or self-plagiarism, the Editorial Board uses an anti-plagiarism system. In the event of suspected plagiarism or self-plagiarism or other authorship irregularities, the work is rejected.


Decisions concerning publication

Decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of an article for publication are based solely on the merits of the article, in particular its originality in addressing the research problem and its relevance to the aims and focus of the journal. The Editors shall indicate which Editor is responsible for deciding whether to publish or reject an article.



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Open access

The articles in this journal are published open access (OA).


Fees, sources of funding

The Editors do not charge Authors for the publication of a text in the journal. Access to the journal’s content is free of charge. The journal does not publish advertisements.


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Submission of Manuscript

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